Holeta Polytechnic College holds industry advisory board and steering committee meeting

Participants after the joint Industry Advisory Board and Steering Committee meeting
Participants after the joint Industry Advisory Board and Steering Committee meeting

Holeta Polytechnic College, the EASTRI Regional Flagship TVET Institute (RFTI) in Agro-Processing, held a joint Industry Advisory Board (IAB) and Steering Committee meeting to strengthen cooperation between the college management and industry practitioners.

The meeting was also attended by the Town Mayor who congratulated welcomed participants to the meeting.

Participants at the meeting
Participants at the meeting

During the meeting the Dean, Holeta Polytechnic College briefly introduced EASTRIP Project and its role in transforming TVET education in Ethiopia and Polytechnic College. The EASTRIP Project Manager presented the project progress report highlighting activities undertaken including hiring of employees, arrangement for different training activities and the selection for hiring consultants to undertake construction of the RFTI in Agro-processing.

Industry attachment of trainers

The meeting took note of the progress made regarding industry of trainers attached to PETRAM PLC although the fruit processing plant was not operating at full capacity. Plans are underway to send two trainers to Elemtu Dairy Processing S.C for industry attachment in coming days.

A committee set up to develop institutional policies and client service charter started its work in Ernst and was on course to complete its work within the set timelines.


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