Rationale for the program
The rationale for reviewing this curriculum is in order to update the existing program for well trained and internationally competent professionals in meat processing technology so as to improve the concept of both hygienic and quality meat processing, in doing so, small and medium scale meat processing technologies will be expanded in Ethiopia. As a result, transforming the traditional way of meat production system into the modern.
One through skill oriented hands on training system will become possible. Even though courses were given in the country about the meat science and technology, the courses are mainly focused on theoretical knowledge development. Thus, it is important to revise the course to bring a shift to the skill and attitude development in the sector. Most of the meat products are exported without value addition and it is important to expand value addition technologies in the country. Therefore, it is found important to train technical teachers in this field with newly revised and updated courses that helps them to be well equipped in knowledge, skill and attitude in the area.

The program has agro-processing laboratories that are under developing. Moreover, there are various laboratory facilities including manufacturing and mechanical workshops at Ethiopian Technical Universities, where the students of the program can work in it. Moreover the university is establishing more advanced and fully equipped agro processing laboratories and demonstration which can be used for practical training. Furthermore, various meat industries are available in Addis Ababa and around that can help our student’s practical engagement to develop their skills and attitudes in the field of Meat processing technology.

Classrooms and Offices
Technical Vocational Training Institute has its own satellite and main campus with well-equipped and furnished classrooms and staff offices.

Library and Literature
The program shares libraries and literature with other programs in the Technical Vocational Training Institute.

Admission requirement

  • Admissions to Meat Processing Technology programs of the TVET candidates shall be based on completion of level 4 or 5, and pass the assessment administered by the COC of at least level 4.
  • Admissions to Meat Processing Technology programs of the Institute from preparatory schools shall be based on completion of the preparatory program and obtaining the necessary pass marks in the Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Examination (EHEE). Admissions may also be granted to students completing their secondary education in foreign countries on the basis of equivalent academic achievements that shall be determined by the Ministry of education.
  • The Institute in certain circumstances may admit students jointly with other affiliated institutes. Such admission may be processed at any time of the academic calendar as deemed appropriate. Students cannot be admitted to more than one program at the same time in any program.
  • Except those with special placement, passing through entrance examination is mandatory. The department shall implement screening process in the admission and registration of students to ensure the quality and commitment of students.

Duration of study
Students enrolled in the Meat Processing Technology shall pursue programs of study for which the maximum lengths of stay in programs and validity of courses are determined as follows:

  • The duration of study for Meat Processing Technology in regular program shall be FOUR years.
  • The duration of study for Meat Processing Technology in the continuing education programs may be four to six years.
  • The maximum length of time students may stay in such programs may not exceed twice the normal duration of study depending on the program.
  • A student who fails to complete studies within the maximum length of time permitted (sub-articles 1 to 3 of this Article) shall be cancelled from that program.

Mode of Delivery

  • semester based
  • blocking based on the availability of subject matter staff
  • parallel
  • Mixed






Course Title


Course Code

Cr.hr Lec. Lab Tut
I 1 Communicative English Language Skills I FLEn 1011 3 3 0 0
General Physics Phys. 1011 3 2 3 0
General Psychology Psch. 1011 3 3 0 0
Mathematics for Natural Sciences Math 1011 3 3 0 0
Logic and Critical Thinking LoCT 1011 3 3 0 0
Physical Fitness SpSc. 1011 P/F 2 0 0
Geography of Ethiopia and the Horn GeEs 1011 3 3 0 0
Chines language ChLa1011 P/F 2 0 0
Total Cr. Hr 18 21 3 0
2 Communicative English Language Skills II FLEn 1012 3 3 0 0
Social Anthropology Anth 1012 2 2 0 0
General Biology Biol1012 3 2 3 0
History of Ethiopia and the Horn Hist 1012 3 3 0 0
Introduction to Emerging Technologies EmTe 1012 3 3 0 0
Moral and Civic Education MCiE 1012 2 2 0 0
General Chemistry Chem 1012 3 2 3 0
  Total Cr. Hr 19 17 6 0







1 Curriculum Studies Vo.Pe. 2011 3 3 0 0
Global Affairs GlAf  2011 2 2 0 0
Sophomore English FLEn 1021 3 3 0 0
Meat Animals and welfare MPTe 2061 3 2 3 0
Meat Biochemistry and Analysis MPTe 2063 4 2 6 0
Introduction to Computer ITec 2031 2 1 3 0
Slaughter House & Slab Structure MPTe 2065 3 2 3 0
Total Cr. Hr 20 15 15 0
2 Assessment and Evaluation of Learning Vo.Pe. 2012 3 3 0 0
Inclusiveness SNIE 2012 2 2 0 0
Fresh Meat Technology MPTe 2062 3 2 3 0
Meat and Human Nutrition MPTe 2064 2 1 3 0
Meat Microbiology & Parasitology MPTe 2066 3 2 3 0
Meat Chemistry MPTe 2068 3 2 3 0
Introduction to Statistics STAT 2020 3 2 3 0
Educational Psychology Psyc 2011 2 2 0 0
Total Cr. Hr 21 16 15 0
III 1 General Method of Teaching Vo.Pe. 3011 3 2 3 0
Economics Econ. 3011 3 3 0 0
Meat Technology MPTe 2061 4 3 3 0
Meat Storage and Preservation MPTe 3063 4 2 6 0
Additives in Meat Processing MPTe 3065 3 2 3 0
Total Cr. Hr 17 12 15 0



Entrepreneurship ENTS 3012 3 3 0 0
Research Methodology MPTe 3060 2 1 3 0
Heat and Mass Transfer in Meat Processing Plant MPTe 3062 3 2 3 0
Experimental Design and Analysis MPTe 3064 3 2 3 0
Hygiene and Sanitation in Meat Plant MPTe 3066 3 2 3 0
Internship MPTe 3068     3     0    9    0
Total Cr. Hr 17 10 21 0
                  IV 1 Teaching Practice VoPe 4011 3 0 9 0
Meat Processing EquipmentOperation MPTe 4061 3 2 3 0
Meat Packaging and Labeling MPTe 4063 3 2 3 0
Product Development & Sensory Evaluation MPTe 4065 3 2 3 0
Meat By-product Utilization MPTe 4067 3 2 3 0
Senior Seminar MPTe 4069 1 0 3 0
Senior Project Part I MPTe 4060/a 1 0 3 0
Introduction to TVET Management Mng-401 2 2 0 0
Total Cr. Hr 19 10 27 0



Food Laws And Regulations in Meat MPTe 4062 3 3 0 0
Meat Quality Control, Safety and Standards MPTe 4064 3 2 3 0
Meat Processing Waste Management and Environmental Protection MPTe 4066 3 3    3 0
Meat Marketing & Value Chain Development MPTe 4068 3 3 0 0
Final Research Project Part II MPTe 4060/b 3 0 9 0
Total Cr. Hr 15 11 15 0
Grand Total 146 112 117 0