
Milk production and processing business have become the key industry in Ethiopia as well as all across the world. Dairy industry plays an important role in Ethiopia’s economy. It has a huge potential to produce dairy products but only 5% of the milk produced in Ethiopia is sold in commercial markets. The critical problems are;

  • Lack of cooling facilities, inadequate means of transport, and poor communication add to the difficulties of collecting and preserving locally produced milk. These lead to surplus milk to be processed at the home into local cheese or butter
  • The monitoring and control of milk and dairy regarding quality remains limited.
  • Adulteration may be done by adding water, starch, sugar, etc. to compensate for density in raw milk collection chain.
  • Processors do not differentiate in payment to farmers for quality milk (fat content, hygienic quality, etc.), mainly because there is no differentiated market for high quality milk products. The same price is paid for poor quality milk and high quality milk subject to good handling practices.

Dairy products currently sold in the Ethiopian market are raw, pasteurized, UHT and powder milk; butter products, fermented and pasteurized butter; cottage and other type of cheese, sour milk and yogurt. Among these products powder milk are not produced in Ethiopia at the moment, and are usually imported. Pasteurized (table/bread) butter, yogurt and various type of cheese (apart from cottage cheese) are both imported and locally produced.

Development of successful and sustainable dairy industry will be realized by strategic interventions of the investors in to all parts of possible entry points along the milk value chain especially on the innovation of new products. Accordingly, several entry points to produce new products can be considered as intervention opportunity in the dairy industry value chain with varied degree of resource requirement and level of competitions. The other is modernizing traditional dairy processing methods and solving chronic shortage of trained manpower contributes to have high quality and international standard dairy products. Therefore, this program is designed to fill the gap of shortage of trained professionals in the field of dairy processing technology. These trainers with technical and scientific capability will have the correct skills, knowledge and attitudes in dairy industry in Ethiopia.

This curriculum was used for three years (one term graduation) and required to review the curricula due to different reasons. The critical reasons for the revision are course adjustment depends on the credit hours, merging courses having similar contents, including new course, upgrading 3 years’ duration undergraduate degree in to 4 years (MoSHE road map), entry modally and others.

Admission Requirements

  • A TVET Trainers Diploma holder
  • Students who completed the preparatory secondary education with a minimum cut-off point set by the Ministry of Education (MOE) each year on the Ethiopian Secondary General Certificate Examination (ESGCE) are eligible to be admitted to the regular degree program
  • TVET level IV graduates who are certified by COC agency

Duration of Study
The duration of the study for the Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech) in Dairy processing Technology is four years.

  • Mode of delivery (parallel, semester, block)
  • Method of teaching (more emphasize to active learning or student centered)
  • Assessment and evaluation mechanisms (continuous assessment and final exam (summative)
  • Grading system as per the academic policy/legislation

Nomenclature of the Degree (in English and Amharic)
Students, who successfully complete the requirements for graduation per the legislation of the institute, will be issued:
In English: “The Degree of Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) in Dairy Processing Technology (in Technical Teacher Education).
In Amharic: የቴክኖሎጂ ባችለር ዲግሪ በወተትና ወተት ተዋፀኦ ማቀነባበር ቴክኖሎጂ(በቴክኒክ መምህራን ትምህርት)

Courses semester wise

Year Sem Course Title Course Code Credit
Cr.hr Lec. Lab














I Communicative English Skills I FLEn 1011 3 3 0
General Physics Phys. 1011 3 2 3
General Psychology Psch.1011 3 3 0
Mathematics for Natural Sciences Math 1011 3 3 0
Logic and Critical Thinking LoCT 1011 3 3 0
Physical Fitness SpSc. 1011 P/F 2 0
Geography of Ethiopia and the Horn GeEs 1011 3 3 0
Chinese language CHLA 1011 P/F 2 0
Total Cr.hrs 18 21 3







Communicative English Skills II FLEn 1012 3 3 0
Social Anthropology Anth 1012 2 2 0
General Biology Biol 1012 3 2 3
History of Ethiopia and the Horn Hist 1012 3 3 0
Introduction to Emerging Technologies EmTe 1012 3 3 0
Moral and Civic Education MCiE 1012 2 2 0
General Chemistry Chem 1012 3 2 3
Total Cr. Hrs 19 17 6











Sophomore English FLEn 1021 3 3 0
Global Trends GiTr 1012 2 2 0
Curriculum Studies Vo.Pe. 2011 3 3 0
Food Biochemistry DPTe 2061 3 3 0
Dairy Products Technology DPTe 2063 4 2 6
Dairy Production and Management DPTe 2065 3 2 3
Total Cr. Hrs 18 15 9





Assessment and Evaluation of Learning Vo.Pe. 2012 3 3 0
Inclusiveness SNIE 2012 2 2 0
Introduction to Computer Skill Itech 2031 3 1 6
Dairy Microbiology DPTe 2062 4 2 6
Dairy Processing Equipment and machineries DPTe 2064 3 2 3
Starter Culture and Fermented Milk Products DPTe 2066 3 2 3
Educational Psychology Psyc 2011 2 2 0
Total Cr. Hrs 20 14 18


















General Method of Teaching Vo.Pe. 3011 3 2 3
Economics Ecos 1011 3 3 0
Introduction to statistics STAT 2020 3 3 0
Dairy chemistry DPTe 3061 4 2 6
Dairy products processing and Preservation DPTe 3063 4 2 6
Milk Additives and Cultures DPTe 3065 3 1 6
Total Cr.hrs 20 13 21




Research Methodology DPTe 3060 2 1 3
Entrepreneurship and business development MGMT 1012 3 3 0
Dairy by-Products processing DPTe 3062 3 2 3
Food Rheology DPTe 3064 4 2 6
Internship DPTe 3066 3 0 9
Total Cr. Hrs 15 8 21





















Experimental design and data analysis DPTe 4061 3 3 0
Senior Seminar DPTe 4063 1 0 3
Human Nutrition DPTe 4065 3 2 3
Product development and sensory evaluation DPTe 4067 3 2 3
Dairy Packaging and  Labeling DPTe 4069 3 2 3
Senior Research Project I DPTe 4073 1 0 3
 Teaching Practice VoPe 4012 3 0 9
Introduction to TVET Management Mng-401 2 2 0
Total Cr. Hrs 19 11 24





Dairy product quality, Safety & standards DPTe 4071 3 2 3
Dairy marketing and value chain management DPTe 4062 3 3 0
Dairy Plant Design and Layout DPTe 4064 3 2 3
Dairy products analysis DPTe 4066 4 2 2
Dairy Waste Management & environmental Control DPTe 4068 3 2 3
Senior Research Project II DPTe 4070 3 0 12
Total Cr. Hrs 19 11 23
Grand Total Cr. Hrs 148 110 125